Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Music Rehearsal

From: Lorraine

Last night we had our first music rehearsal. It was small - a couple of guitars, a bass, and a mandolin. Our percussionist and violinist will be joining us within a few weeks.

I was sitting along the wall listening in, trying to get some dog & pony work done, and wishing desperately to be playing along with them. It reminded me of when I was a little girl and would go with my dad to his jam sessions in the mountains. There was a lot of stop and go, exploration of chords, finding the rhythm of a piece. It was fun to listen to and every once in a while I would get goose bumps. Milo's music is amazing. I've been listening to the files he sent on my computer, pieces he's put together strumming the guitar and singing along and I've really fallen in love with the music - but it is no match for hearing the pieces live and fleshed out.

So far my favorite songs are Rabble and Home. Home tugged at my heart a little, especially hearing Jen Kaleba sing it. Below are the lyrics:

You plant a rose in March
You see it grow
A garden blooms
It's what a home is for
The seed becomes the bud
Becomes the flower
The blossom fades
In time you plant some more

The seasons change
The roof you made in June
Come November
Protects you from the snows
You're safe
You watch the blizzards
Through the winter

Home is where the heart is
Home is where the heart is
Goodness knows.

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I just blogged about this a little myself. Where in the mountains, Lorraine?
