Sunday, May 10, 2009

Courage Confessions: thoughts on the second round of performances

What was it like?  What was meaningful, exciting, different?  What was unexpected, distracting, or tanked? What did this performance environment allow for us to do/achieve?  What did it allow for the audience to do?

1 comment:

  1. From Milo:

    As a member of the band, I felt closer to, more a part of the action, of the same world as the rest of the show. Whether or not this is something we should seek or not, I don't know.

    In general, I thought our specific spatial arrangement at CHAW made the audience much more visible and audible. I could hear what they were singing, hear better what they were laughing at. This was good information to have while trying to feel for and use audience energy. It seemed CHAW also gave us greater range with regard to lights, and I feel more interesting spatial options (playing different angles, going up the stairs, several exits and entrances, greater opportunity to disappear from view) with fewer giant pillars in the middle of the playing space to impede the general view.

    Of course the big negative would be overall sound quality. It just bounced off each wall and made the band's sound more abrasive, less warm, in a bad way. I felt the atmosphere of the space was more our responsibility to cultivate as opposed to Ike's, which really met us at a nice, very fitting half way point. I still think we succeeded in making it less formal for folk, and we could continue to do so in other spaces.
