Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Courage Photos

Thank you to the fabulous C Stanley!  


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Courage Confessions: thoughts on the second round of performances

What was it like?  What was meaningful, exciting, different?  What was unexpected, distracting, or tanked? What did this performance environment allow for us to do/achieve?  What did it allow for the audience to do?

Peformance Recordings - CHAW 5/9

Opening Jam


Cook Song


Beware Jam

Each Night


Home/WGWFY Reprise

Deal Reprise

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Courage Confessions: what do we take with us?

What aspects/dimensions of the performances in Chief Ike's should we consider carrying with us and/or try to recreate at CHAW?  What should we consider letting go of

Courage Confessions: thoughts on the first round of performances

What was it like?  What was meaningful, exciting, different?  What was unexpected, distracting, or tanked? What did this performance environment allow for us to do/achieve?  What did it allow for the audience to do?